Selling our home was a huge step in relocating and Darrin made the hurdle go very smoothly and got us what we needed.
He did a everything he said he would do and got the job done well.
Darrin provides very dependable service.
Jamie & Garrett Ross
Boise, ID
"The hiring of an agent is essentially the purchase of the agents knowledge to guide ones own decisions."
- Thomas Sowell - Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
Are you thinking of relocating to another town, state or even country? Let me put you in touch with an experienced agent on the other end. Someone who cares for your needs and is willing to provide you the information you need to make the best decision for yourself and your family.
Are you a corporate transferee? If so did you know that you can choose whichever broker you wish to work with and there is no loss in benefits. I work with all of them, Micron, HP, Albertsons, Microsoft, State Farm, the list goes on and on.
The dirty little secret is that it's all about money. You see, all relocation companies that require you to use "their" agent do so because that agent and company gives a large portion of their fee back to the relocation company. The risk is that you will get stuck with whatever agent they choose to send over. Will that agent be one of their top performers or someone who needs the deal? Lets be realistic - in todays market a full time professional is not an option but a requirement and typically the faster your homes sells and the more it sells for translates into greater benefits for the the transferee (you). That may be in the form of bonuses, relocation assistance, etc.
That said, give me a call. We work with them all!