When you confront a problem you begin to solve it.
-Rudy Giuliani
A good article from the Wall Street Journal on the credit issues affecting a short sale vs. a foreclosure.
The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act and Debt Cancellation Q&A from the IRS
You can claim relief on your principal residence through IRS form 982
For more information on credit scores and how they are calculated, visit the "credit education center" at www.myfico.com
"Borrowers should beware of any organization that attempts to charge a fee for housing counseling or modification of a delinquent loan, especially if they require a fee in advance."
- U.S. Department of the Treasury - Consumer QA
Homeowner Consequences
Future Fannie Mae Loan - Primary Residence (effective May 21, 2008)
Deficiency Judgement
I'm not an attorney or CPA and each individual situation is different. This information is meant as a general guide but not a specific reccomendation for your exact situation.
Can I stay in my home during a short sale?